Hydrocephalus and Spinabifida Initiative is a non-governmental, non-political, working since 2011 as a community Based Organization (CBO) in Wakiso District.

HSI gained NGO status in 2017 after registering with NGO Board. We create awareness to the Community; we look for our children wheel chairs and transport children for specialized treatment.

Our Focus

  • Hydrocephalus literally means water in the head in greek.
  • Everybody has some fluid /water called Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) in the brain.
  • In hydrocephalus, there is an abnormal increase/too much water in the brain, therefore the
  • ventricles (chambers) in the brain enlarge to accommodate the excess fluid causing a big head or increase in the head size in young children.
  • Hydrocephalus occurs when the fluids is not removed from the brain as  fast as it’s
  • produced. It accumulates within the skull, compresses the brain and damages it.

    Normally the brain is protected from damage by;

    • The bones(the skull) that cover it.
    • Fluid/water called cerebral spinal fluids(CSF)

    USES OF Cerebral Spinal Fluid (Water)

    • Protects the brain from injury.
    • Provides nutrients/food to the brain.
    • Makes the brain lighter than it actually is.
    • Water (CSF) is produced in small spaces in the brain called ventricles . The water normally flows along three ventricles in the brain and the spinal cord and it is reabsorbed into the bloodstream through special veins.
    • As water is produced, more is absorbed at a constant rate so that the amount remain is the same.

    There are three main causes of hydrocephalus;

    Blockage in the brain, this prevents removal/flow of the water from the brain. These blockages may be caused by;

    • Head injuries,
    • Infections of the nervous system like meningitis,
    • Brain tumours and spina bifida or cysts.
    • The brain makes too much fluid/water that cannot be reabsorbed as fast as it is being produced (too much choroid plexus.)
    • Sometimes hydrocephalus develops while the child is still in the uterus (mother’s womb) here the cause is unknown.